Monday 6 May 2013

Who do you choose to be?

I believe, that the world can be divided into three broad classes of people. 
The leaders, the followers, and the spectators.

Every person has a choice. 
"You're the pilot of your own plane."
The artist, the critique, or the spectator.
Who do you choose to be?

  • The leader, the artist. Do you speak of your views openly, without a care in the world? Not afraid of criticism?
  • The follower, the critique. Are you the one, who criticises others for their views, not really offering your own original ideas?
  • Or yes, the spectator. Do you keep shut, and simply observe the chaos around you, not offering any view on any matter, but simply gulping in the situation, not judging, but observing everything?

The world needs more of the first kind. These 'rebels', that would guide our generation forth. I personally despise the second kind, but then again, they have their own reasons for behaving the way they do, which shouldn't be judged. The third kind, are fine. Nothing great, nothing bad. They just - are.

Everyone is a bit of the three, I suppose. I personally think I am a cross between the first and the third. I beg to differ, for what I believe is right, yes, but at the same time, am alright with anything that others have to say. Everyone has a reason. Everyone is right, in their own way. My perspective, though.

The first kind have a knack of asking questions, and answering them on their own. The second kind, don't ask, just simply answer. The third kind don't do either. They just agree, to whatever that ever was.

The point here, lies in a single question.
Are you working over what you believe in? Or are you simply following others, like a sheep, lost in a herd? Will you listen to them? Or be confident enough to pursue your own beliefs?

Every great legend that the world has known, has had his or her own original personality. They were surely the first kind. A leader. The artist. People followed them. People judged them. There were a few spectators, who observed them. These artists had their complete attention.

Adolf Hitler, John Lennon, Audrey Hepburn, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, these were the people who listened and answered only to their own soul. They were never the ones to judge. These were the people, who drove others in the direction that best suited their own selves.

On a lighter note, even if we consider characters like, well, Superman, Courage, The Powerpuff girls; these belong to the first kind too. 

Lets concentrate on The Powerpuff girls. The mayor, more often than not, represented the second 'afraid to take their own decision' kind of people. The one who judged, between the right and wrong, but never had his own original views. Considering Mojo Jojo, he too had his own persona. Everybody (outside the TV show!) adored him, I'm sure. He belonged to 'first' kind as well.

We should strive to be the 'first' kind of people. The artists. The creator. The leader. The aim shouldn't be to garner followers though, it should be to strengthen ones own personal ideas, views. People should respect each other for what they are, and do what it takes, to do what they most love to do. Originality, creativity, yes, that's what the next generation humans should keep in mind as they continue to evolve.

The society has a funny way of binding us in the invisible ties of social norms. People are scared to break away, scared of taking risks, scared of taking a stand. The one's who do, well, are the 'first' kind of people. As I have coined before, these are the rebels. 

We live as though, we shall never die. Compromising, all the time. Don't settle for the second best. Your time is now. Do everything you can, for everything that you have ever wanted, for the change you wish to see. Be the first kind. The leader, the creator, the artist. Ask what you need to, allow your soul to answer, and follow what you believe in, always.

1 comment:

  1. "We should strive to be the 'first' kind of people. The artists. The creator. The leader."

    Why? I am happy being a spectator most of the times.
