Sunday 17 June 2012

The five classical elements.

Each of the five classical elements, that is; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit, when thought of separately, with complete concentration, has the capability of giving a person infinite peace.

Now, classifying everything into these five is one way of doing so, a school of thought. Scientifically speaking, I do not trust this sort of characterization of materials. But, fact remains, as it's just been my observation, that when one walks under the rain, cherishing every single drop of rain that falls upon his skin, or when watches a candle, the flame, or when he walks on the sand, by the sea, observing how his steps leave foot prints, breath in the smell of petrol, or of course, meditate, it pulls you into this weird sort of trance. A place where your mind begins to empty itself of the various ramblings it otherwise thinks of continuously; Even if it mostly occurs for a tiny moment at a stretch.

These elements are powerful indeed, it's a pity they seem to lose their beauty when mixed. Maybe that's the secret lesson hidden here. To judge everything with what tiny things it's been made of, and not just the complete picture; For the tiniest of things often hide the real story, as well as beauty behind a thing.. Or even a person.

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