Tuesday 31 December 2019



I guess, when you really want something, and when you literally give yourself up to the cause, there’s a huge scope of learning that opens up automatically, and you do eventually, move towards that which you expected.

It’s been a very long time since I jotted down something on this blog. Oh my, let me begin by saying, that I have absolutely missed writing on a keyboard. There is so much peace in writing down things in journals, but oh, the joy of slamming down fingers on a keyboard that makes the click click tik tak noise as I write away!

I’d still like to embrace the random, though, as I am growing up, I feel this hidden need to start, what people call, ‘specializing.’ A good friend gave me an advice once – “Do whatever it is that you like, eventually, you’ll really start understanding and start to automatically move towards things that truly call out to you.” Great advice. In fact, another fellow professional once mentioned, “Just, throw stones everywhere.” – And I’d like to add to that statement – “And see which ripple gives you the most peace!” My college professor stated, that “Seek anything that gives you a rush, or increases your pulse rate.”

Unfortunately, or fortunately, there is a certain knowledge gap that I aim to fill in before I can spot what it is that I absolutely would love to specialize in. The road towards it isn’t one that is already built. I have a stone and chisel in my own hands, and I am trying to squint towards the horizon, towards the top of mountains, as well as the depths of the oceans, before carving my own way through it. I say through and not towards it because the road could change at every possible moment and I’d like to keep myself open to that possibility too.

The problem that I have personally faced – is that of existentialism. I see the world as it is, in broad day light, or in absolute darkness. There is no denying that the human race confuses itself with the rat race, that there is always an underlying process of automation in the mechanics of the world, in all possible domains. Be it education, or industrialization, or the gradual growth in a country’s infrastructure.

A friend of mine is currently reading a book called, Ikigai. The book begins by a Japanese proverb that says: “Only an active life will make you want to live a 100 years.” The book also talks about how technology is actually, responsible in adding more time to one’s life. Man is generally, quite a lazy creature. I’d say, everything in the world is actually quite lazy. If that is in response to a need of attaining equilibrium, I wouldn’t know; one cannot deny the ever constant ebb and flow of chaos and order in the world. Is it all in process of attaining immortality? I’m sure our race is collectively building towards a highly connected space across this planet, just like a human brain would strengthen its connections across its neurons with time. All, for automation. All, for equilibrium. All, for immortality. The concept of the ouroboros comes into my mind... 

If anyone is reading this right now, and feels that they have an opinion regarding the above, please feel free to let me know, in the comments, or personally. I would love to have more discussions over the same. I am REALLY open to learning about anything that gives me direction at this point…

Till then, I guess, I’ve to start working over the SMART goals thing in order to give my random goals some finite shape… And yes, I have to certainly learn to prioritize as well as manage my time well.


  1. Looks like you are seeing patterns and trying to think beyond existing stories (religion, capitalism etc) but the search for the meaning of it all is recursive like ouroboros. Like Yuval Noah mentions in Sapiens, once you break out of the prison wall you realise there is a bigger wall. The ideas of expanding consciousness , immortality, automation, abundance , equilibrium can be a wall , the wall of transhumanism.

    We cannot think beyond stories, your ego forms the major storyline - I was born here, I did this, my passions , my goals , my wishes. In the end we want to be encapsulated in stories. We can ask ourselves - “what is Not a story ?” and see how limited our cognitive capabilities are.

    I once read an answer by Joscha Bach on Quora about existential crisis. He says that existential crisis arises when the needs are not met. We humans have this intricate need system that goes beyond maslows hierarchy. The default drives . I created an acronym “CAESIE” for simplification purposes so that I can cross -check when I’m facing existential crisis.

    C- Competence - are you skilful ? Does your work make use of your skills to its full potential. Your competence will be low when you’re an artist working on spreadsheets in State bank of India.

    Aesthetics- I would like to go by the old order/complexity approach. Aesthetics is subjective. Are your senses getting good aesthetics ? Does your ears hear honking noises , nose smells garbage and eyes are looking at ugly traffic. If you’re in these kinds of environments the aesthetics drive gets low and you feel existential.

    Exploration- are your senses exploring novelty ? Goes with Aesthetics. Bad novelty is bad aesthetics.

    Social Affinity- this is a tough one for introverts, but basically how well your social life is. Friends, Family , partner , social entities(churches,companies) affect this drive.

    Integrity - are you damaging yourself consciously or unconsciously, can we reduce damages in day to day life like getting diagnosed beforehand, medications, moving your muscles,taking care of your sleep cycles etc etc . Damage can be mental too.

    Energy - the basic needs: food, water , restoration(sleep).

    I myself believe in computationalism. It feels better and I’m ready to upgrade for a better belief system. This planet and you are the artefact of a complex computational system that is trying to sustain order. We are not special, this universe is not made for us- the continuous onslaught of entropy. Free will is an illusion technically, you are machine, an intricate beautiful machine.So what should you do if you believe in computationalism :
    1. Try to understand more about this machine- build A.I cause that’s the best way of understanding the mind post neuroscience.
    2. Fight Entropy
    3. Love ( a complex drive which satisfies most simpler drives ex: aesthetics, social affinity etc)

    I should start a blog but I’m saving up my writing to write research papers ;)

    One more thing, about goals. I got an advise that we should act according to systems than towards a goal ( the S in SMART can be a trap) . One good analogy is that of a football coach : if he works on the goal that his team should win World Cup it’s not useful, instead if he has a system of practising everyday, training for so many hours, the team will win irrespective of whether it’s a World Cup or a national cup. So what are our systems and how are we enabling them? I’m a hypocrite but I’m hoping to be less hypocritical than yesterday.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. I'm really curious to know who you are lmao. That was a thorough piece of writing. What are you researching on? :)
