Friday 3 August 2012

Crash and burn, then rise like a phoenix.

Sometimes, I feel, that the cycles of the daily rituals get a bit too repetitive. Take a phoenix for example. The poor mythical creature lives to die, then rises up from the ashes... Only to die again.

Shut your eyes right now. Think. What would happen if you were to live for only 10 seconds more. When one say's that the whole life flashes before you, as you're about to die, it's just an idea. For one truly doesn't remain, to remember enough the thoughts of his last second. We live as if we would live forever, simply forgetting that one day, at one particular moment, everything that ever was, or would be, is going to vanish into a mysterious abyss. A place we probably would never know anything about.

So why do we enjoy this daily roller coaster life? Action. That's what we need. An action on the spur, or perhaps stretched for a long time. But action is needed. Something for the community. Something for evolution. Stop and stare, to realize where you are. Once you have, gear up, and start moving. You're going to make a difference in this world, no matter by what magnitude.

The phoenix shall die one day. But it grows, heals, helps, while it lives. Death is just another start for the creature.

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