Tuesday 15 May 2012

Not being you.

It's not easy being yourself. With social platforms like Facebook, or Twitter, or even various blogs, people have been introduced to various means by which they can pot ray their lives to others, in a way they would like to be perceived as.

I don't think this is a good thing. In a way, one could say that it does define a person more. But definition - Is that the ultimate thing? To define every possible thing. To have answers? To define your own life, and present it to others. Perhaps give them a few memories by which they'd remember you by.

Not being yourself, but being someone you'd rather be. Isn't it similar to not accepting reality?

There will always be some person, who will long to be in your place. To have your story. Think that your story is tragic? And no one would want it? Think again. I know of a few who love tragedy too. I might, infact, be one of them.

My life is perfect. Perfect family. Perfect friends. Perfect problems. Nothing overly tragic. Just the normal things a normal teenage girl suffers from. I long for tragedy. I smile when I cry. Why you think? Thats because I need tragedy. Something to give my life a story.

This is how I desire to make my life aesthetic. It's unreal. Not justified. Wrong.

Life is miserable when you try to alter it. When you accept the things the way they are, and gladly acknowledge the beauty they have to offer, that's when you'd truly be happy. This is why I long for tragedy no more. Why waste time building a story, when I know mine already exists?

There's beauty in everything. A failed exam, a broken heart, an incomplete story…

Be yourself. Your story is unique.

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