Friday, 1 June 2018

A basic couplet.

Life is short. Life is weary. 
Life makes us sweaty and teary. 

A heavy head that falls on a pillow,
The air above us, weighing a thousand kilo.

And dreams, help us, sail across;
Cyclones and hurricanes, which aren't really a loss:

For hurdles make us stronger, and also give us a chance,
To work, improve, learn, romance. 

And what it all boils down to at night, 
is a hand to hold, a comforting sight.

And also the sound, of someone at rest. 
A lot of laughter, and you pass the test.

But it's not really easy. Is it all a choice?
Forgo ambition, and rather choose poise. 

I'm confused, as always, but know one thing for sure, 
with ego, none of us, would find the cure. 

So I guess, I'm okay, simply being me. 
What the future brings, I'll leave to destiny.

I have time at hand. I don't want to waste it. 
There's lot to explore, but I must try not to haste it. 

Change is a must, for you and me. 
Flaws must be fixed, with a frequent fee. 

Work with me, and I'll try to be good.
I'll work with you, you know I should. 

And now I shall end this silly poetry.
The interpretation will be yours, while I lie free.