Sunday, 24 March 2013

For miles and miles.

A quick thin slip, and a huge fall.
Gracious be the ones that hold on to you.
Never did I seek, nor do I help.
I stay for I search, the source of everything.

I wonder if I can claim, but I know I could never.
Birds are meant to fly in the sky.
My never-ending will abandons me, time and again.
Yet I am here. Always am.
Ready, to offer, that hand,
which you too, long back, had once offered me.

So I set you free, I decide.
That makes me free too.
Play, I play along. Pity, and laugh.
Smile for the weak, and cry for the strong.
Trembling fingers that try to measure the heart,
don't deserve to handle, what they cannot.

Can I say, that I have abandoned myself again?
For a while, I tell myself,
but it seems like forever.
I must stop. I can't, I know.
I resist, hold on.

If I seek the end, I'll never reach the goal.
The goal was always, to be where you are.
The moment that counts, the present, what it is.
The rest is a myth, in the mind, fabricated.

So we fly. We fly, for miles and miles.
Not knowing, scared, yet at peace, at the same time.
I spread my fingers, but my hands feel hollow.
Then I clench them, and shake my head.
It is now. I forget. The bird is out of the cage.